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Best Sellers in Books
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
HTML5 & CSS3 Visual QuickStart Guide (7th Edition)
If your budget only allows for one HTML5 and CSS3 book, this book is a
terrific way to invest your money. I’ve reviewed HTML5 for Web
Designers and Introducing HTML5 on this blog. I think this book is
better than either of those books. That’s not saying the two books
mentioned are not excellent books, because they are. I’ve read both of
those books carefully and I still learned new and helpful things from
HTML5 and CSS3. Plus, the VQS style is inherently easy to use with each
topic detailed in small step-by-step bits. It’s so easy to find the one
thing you need to know at any given moment with a VQS book.
Another advantage this book over the others I mentioned is that it can get a beginner going but it also offers a lot of good information for the experienced HTML and CSS wonk. If you’re teaching either of these topics, this book is classroom gold.
Definitely recommended. - Virginia DeBolt,
Another advantage this book over the others I mentioned is that it can get a beginner going but it also offers a lot of good information for the experienced HTML and CSS wonk. If you’re teaching either of these topics, this book is classroom gold.
Definitely recommended. - Virginia DeBolt,
About the Author
Bruce Hyslop began developing for the Web in 1997 and focuses on
interface technical architecture, development, usability, accessibility,
and advocating best practices. He is the author of The HTML Pocket
Guide (Peachpit Press, 2010), a thorough discussion and reference of all
HTML elements (HTML5 and prior). Bruce also teaches a CSS course at
UCLA Extension and occasionally speaks on matters regarding front-end
development. Over the years, he has overseen front-end teams or been a
developer for more than 150 projects, including those for ABC, BBC,
Disney, Logitech, Microsoft, NBC Universal, Nokia, Target, Toyota, and
Yahoo!, among others.
Bruce is an independent developer and consultant to agencies, start-ups, and others, previously having spent a decade in the digital agency world. Formerly, he was the senior director of the Interface Engineering Group (IEG) at Schematic, where he oversaw company-wide efforts to define and implement best practices regarding HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and accessibility wherever they may be applied: the browser, desktop, mobile devices, and emerging platforms.
Bruce was an early adopter of Web standards. At a previous agency in the early 2000s, he lead companies such as Baskin-Robbins and Pacific Gas & Electric into the fray of modern client-side practices while managing development between offices in Los Angeles, China, and New York.
Bruce is an independent developer and consultant to agencies, start-ups, and others, previously having spent a decade in the digital agency world. Formerly, he was the senior director of the Interface Engineering Group (IEG) at Schematic, where he oversaw company-wide efforts to define and implement best practices regarding HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and accessibility wherever they may be applied: the browser, desktop, mobile devices, and emerging platforms.
Bruce was an early adopter of Web standards. At a previous agency in the early 2000s, he lead companies such as Baskin-Robbins and Pacific Gas & Electric into the fray of modern client-side practices while managing development between offices in Los Angeles, China, and New York.
Product Details
- Paperback: 576 pages
- Publisher: Peachpit Press; 7 edition (December 31, 2011)
- Language: English
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Mark R. Levin-Political utopianism is tyranny disguised as a desirable, workable, and even paradisiacal governing ideology
About the Author
Mark R. Levin, nationally syndicated talk-radio host and president of Landmark Legal Foundation, is the author of Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, which spent more than three months as a #1 New York Times bestseller and sold more than one million copies. His books Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America and Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover’s Story of Joy and Anguish
were also bestsellers. He has worked as an attorney in the private
sector and as a top adviser and administrator to several members of
President Ronald Reagan’s cabinet.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
THE first sentence of the first chapter of this book, is this: “Tyranny,
broadly defined, is the use of power to dehumanize the individual and
delegitimize his nature. Political utopianism is tyranny disguised as a
desirable, workable, and even paradisiacal governing ideology.”
Plato’s Republic, More’s Utopia, Hobbes’s Leviathan,
and Marx’s workers’ paradise are utopias that are anti-individual and
anti-individualism. For the utopians, modern and olden, the individual
is one-dimensional—selfish. On his own, he has little moral value.
Contrarily, authoritarianism is defended as altruistic and masterminds
as socially conscious. Thus endless interventions in the individual’s
life and manipulation of his conditions are justified as not only
necessary and desirable but noble governmental pursuits. This false
dialectic is at the heart of the problem we face today.
In truth,
man is naturally independent and self-reliant, which are attributes
that contribute to his own well-being and survival, and the well-being
and survival of a civil society. He is also a social being who is
charitable and compassionate. History abounds with examples, as do the
daily lives of individuals. To condemn individualism as the utopians do
is to condemn the very foundation of the civil society and the American
founding and endorse, wittingly or unwittingly, oppression. Karl Popper
saw it as an attack on Western civilization. “The emancipation of the
individual was indeed the great spiritual revolution which had led to
the breakdown of tribalism and to the rise of democracy.”1 Moreover, Judaism and Christianity, among other religions, teach the altruism of the individual.
course, this is not to defend anarchy. Quite the opposite. It is to
endorse the magnificence of the American founding. The American founding
was an exceptional exercise in collective human virtue and wisdom—a
culmination of thousands of years of experience, knowledge, reason, and
faith. The Declaration of Independence is a remarkable societal
proclamation of human rights, brilliant in its insight, clarity, and
conciseness. The Constitution of the United States is an extraordinary
matrix of governmental limits, checks, balances, and divisions, intended
to secure for posterity the individual’s sovereignty as proclaimed in
the Declaration.
This is the grand heritage to which every
American citizen is born. It has been characterized as “the American
Dream,” “the American experiment,” and “American exceptionalism.” The
country has been called “the Land of Opportunity,” “the Land of Milk and
Honey,” and “a Shining City on a Hill.” It seems unimaginable that a
people so endowed by Providence, and the beneficiaries of such
unparalleled human excellence, would choose or tolerate a course that
ensures their own decline and enslavement, for a government unleashed on
the civil society is a government that destroys the nature of man.
September 17, 1787, at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention
in Philadelphia, Delegate James Wilson, on behalf of his ailing
colleague from Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin, read aloud Franklin’s
speech to the convention in favor of adopting the Constitution. Among
other things, Franklin said that the Constitution “is likely to be well
administered for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as
other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become corrupt as
to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.…”2
we “become corrupt”? Are we in need of “despotic government”? It
appears that some modern-day “leading lights” think so, as they press
their fanatical utopianism. For example, Richard Stengel, managing
editor of Time magazine, considers the Constitution a utopian
expedient. He wrote, “If the Constitution was intended to limit the
federal government, it sure doesn’t say so.… The framers weren’t afraid
of a little messiness. Which is another reason we shouldn’t be so
delicate about changing the Constitution or reinterpreting it.”3
It is beyond dispute that the Framers sought to limit the scope of
federal power and that the Constitution does so. Moreover,
constitutional change was not left to the masterminds but deliberately
made difficult to ensure the broad participation and consent of the body
Richard Cohen, a columnist for the Washington Post,
explained that the Constitution is an amazing document, as long as it
is mostly ignored, particularly the limits it imposes on the federal
government. He wrote, “This fatuous infatuation with the Constitution,
particularly the 10th Amendment, is clearly the work of witches,
wiccans, and wackos. It has nothing to do with America’s real problems
and, if taken too seriously, would cause an economic and political
calamity. The Constitution is a wonderful document, quite miraculous
actually, but only because it has been wisely adapted to changing times.
To adhere to the very word of its every clause hardly is respectful to
the Founding Fathers. They were revolutionaries who embraced change.
That’s how we got here.”4 Of course, without the promise of
the Tenth Amendment, the Constitution would not have been ratified,
since the states insisted on retaining most of their sovereignty.
Furthermore, the Framers clearly did not embrace the utopian change
demanded by its modern adherents.
Lest we ignore history, the
no-less-eminent American revolutionary and founder Thomas Jefferson
explained, “On every question of construction, carry ourselves back to
the time when the constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit
manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be
squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the
probable one in which it was passed.”5
Thomas L. Friedman, a columnist for the New York Times
and three-time Pulitzer Prize recipient, is even more forthright in his
dismissal of constitutional republicanism and advocacy for utopian
tyranny. Complaining of the slowness of American society in adopting
sweeping utopian policies, he wrote, “There is only one thing worse than
one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy, which is what we
have in America today. One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks.
But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China
is today, it can also have great advantages. That one party can just
impose the politically difficult but critically important policies
needed to move a society forward in the 21st century.”6 Of
course, China remains a police state, where civil liberties are
nonexistent, despite its experiment with government-managed
pseudo-capitalism. Friedman’s declaration underscores not only the
necessary intolerance utopians have for constitutionalism, but their
infatuation with totalitarianism.
It is neither prudential nor virtuous to downplay or dismiss the obvious—that America has already transformed into Ameritopia.
The centralization and consolidation of power in a political class that
insulates its agenda in entrenched experts and administrators, whose
authority is also self-perpetuating, is apparent all around us and
growing more formidable. The issue is whether the ongoing transformation
can be restrained and then reversed, or whether it will continue with
increasing zeal, passing from a soft tyranny to something more
oppressive. Hayek observed that “priding itself on having built its
world as if it had designed it, and blaming itself for not having
designed it better, humankind is now to set out to do just that. The aim
… is no less than to effect a complete redesigning of our traditional
morals, law, and language, and on this basis to stamp out the older
order and supposedly inexorable, unjustifiable conditions that prevent
the institution of reason, fulfillment, true freedom, and justice.”7 But the outcome of this adventurism, if not effectively stunted, is not in doubt.
the end, can mankind stave off the powerful and dark forces of utopian
tyranny? While John Locke was surely right about man’s nature and the
civil society, he was also right about that which threatens them. Locke,
Montesquieu, many of the philosophers of the European Enlightenment,
and the Founders, among others, knew that the history of organized
government is mostly a history of a relative few and perfidious men
co-opting, coercing, and eventually repressing the many through the
centralization and consolidation of authority.
Ironically and
tragically, it seems that liberty and the constitution established to
preserve it are not only essential to the individual’s well-being and
happiness, but also an opportunity for the devious to exploit them and
connive against them. Man has yet to devise a lasting institutional
answer to this puzzle. The best that can be said is that all that really
stands between the individual and tyranny is a resolute and sober
people. It is the people, after all, around whom the civil society has
grown and governmental institutions have been established. At last, the
people are responsible for upholding the civil society and republican
government, to which their fate is moored.
The essential question
is whether, in America, the people’s psychology has been so
successfully warped, the individual’s spirit so thoroughly trounced, and
the civil society’s institutions so effectively overwhelmed that
revival is possible. Have too many among us already surrendered or been
conquered? Can the people overcome the constant and relentless
influences of ideological indoctrination, economic manipulation, and
administrative coerciveness, or have they become hopelessly entangled in
and dependent on a ubiquitous federal...
Product Details
- Hardcover: 288 pages
- Publisher: Threshold Editions (January 17, 2012)
- Language: English
More About the Author
Mark R. Levin is a nationally syndicated talk radio host and
president of Landmark Legal Foundation. He has also worked as an
attorney in the private sector and as a top adviser and administrator to
several members of President Reagan's cabinet. He is the author of the
#1 New York Times bestselling book Liberty and Tyranny, as well as New
York Times bestselling books Rescuing Sprite and Men in Black: How the
Supreme Court Is Destroying America, Mark holds a B.A. from Temple
University and a J.D. from Temple University School of Law.
Building a Bridge to the Life You Want
Strategy For You: Building a Bridge to the Life You Want
Do you have a plan for life? Think back on your life and how you arrived at where you are today. Did you envision where you wanted to be and then map out a strategy for getting there? Or, have you bounced around like a bumper car from one thing to the next? New research shows that only 15 per cent of adults have a written plan for their life.......................
Do you have a plan for life? Think back on your life and how you arrived at where you are today. Did you envision where you wanted to be and then map out a strategy for getting there? Or, have you bounced around like a bumper car from one thing to the next? New research shows that only 15 per cent of adults have a written plan for their life.......................
Building Blogging Network
The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking: What Successful People Didn't Learn in School
Publication Date: January 23, 2012
Endorsed by 3 New York Times #1 Bestselling Authors, including Leaders in Education, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship!
''Cliff Michaels delivers a powerful path to profits, passion, and
purpose.'' ~ Tony Hsieh, CEO Zappos / Author, Delivering Happiness (NY Times #1 Bestseller)
''Cliff's writing is full of creativity, inspiration, and practical
lessons. I highly recommend this book.'' ~ Blake Mycoskie, Chief Shoe
Giver, TOMS Shoes / Author, Start Something that Matters (NY Times #1 Bestseller)
The 4 Essentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking, Cliff Michaels takes us
on an inspirational journey while capturing the passion and wisdom of
extraordinary people. On the cutting edge of life and business
strategies for over 20 years, Cliff not only shares his triumphs and
tribulations as an entrepreneur, he unleashes a fun system of timeless
lessons anyone can follow. Drawing on classic mentors from da Vinci,
Edison, and Mozart, to Jobs, Gates, Oprah, and Branson, Cliff suggests
we all benefit from a real-world MBA - your Master's in Basic Abilities.
With thought-provoking stories and whimsical quotes, Cliff has managed
to write an original work with cross-over appeal from artist to athlete,
educator to entrepreneur, and Main Street to Wall Street. This
fast-paced book rocks the education and business world as it raises the
bar for success principles!
''The 4 Essentials is a fun
read. Like Cliff, it's full of passion with a blend of new ideas and
timeless wisdom.'' -- Dave Logan Former Associate Dean, USC Marshall
School of Business #1 NY Times Bestselling Co-author- Tribal Leadership
''Cliff's concept for a real-world MBA (Master in Basic Abilites) hits
the nail on the head. He takes us on a life journey with pragmatic
insights, offering a guide for anyone on their entrepreneurial path.''
--Sue Hesse, Director Foundation Partnerships, The Kauffman Foundation
visionary leader and pioneering entrepreneur, Cliff Michaels sets the
bar for life and business training. The 4 Essentials is a winning
formula.'' --Michael Caito Chairman, The Entrepreneur's Organization
''Cliff's concept for a real-world MBA (Master in Basic Abilites) hits
the nail on the head. He takes us on a life journey with pragmatic
insights, offering a guide for anyone on their entrepreneurial path.''
--Sue Hesse, Director Foundation Partnerships, The Kauffman Foundation
visionary leader and pioneering entrepreneur, Cliff Michaels sets the
bar for life and business training. The 4 Essentials is a winning
formula.'' --Michael Caito Chairman, The Entrepreneur's Organization
4 Essentials is a fun read. Like Cliff, it's full of passion with a
blend of new ideas and timeless wisdom.'' --Dave Logan Former Associate
Dean, USC Marshall School of Business #1 NY Times Bestselling Co-author-
Tribal Lead
Cliff Michaels is a writer, speaker, and social entrepreneur.
Along his journey, he's been a life coach, business strategist, angel
investor, real estate broker, and high-tech CEO. Having trained
thousands of clients in personal growth and entrepreneurship, Cliff's
lessons are now available on His result-oriented
courses and tools (Success Strategies on Demand), enable anyone to find
their path to a real-world MBA -- a Master's in Basic Abilities.
his entrepreneurial teeth with street-wise mentors, Cliff bought his
first home at 19 with no money in the bank. His unique experience as a
college freshman inspired research to prove a simple theory -- that a
substantial gap existed between classroom education, corporate training,
and real-world Essentials for success and happiness. After dropping out
of USC as a sophomore, Cliff spent the next 20 years building companies
in real estate, technology, and consulting. His companies have closed
over $500 million dollars in sales.
Today, Cliff's mission is to
inspire, give back, and raise the bar for real-world education and
social entrepreneurship. With every book or course sold, Cliff donates
to students, education programs and global causes.
Cliff lives
in Santa Monica, California where hobbies include yoga, tennis, hiking,
travel and long catnaps. He's also a recovering real estate junkie.
Killer Facebook Ads: Master Cutting-Edge Facebook Advertising Techniques
Expert Facebook advertising techniques you won't find anywhere else!
Facebook has exploded to a community of more than half a billion people around the world, making it a deliciously fertile playground for marketers on the cutting edge. Whether you want to leverage Facebook Ads to generate "Likes," promote events, sell products, market applications, deploy next-gen PR, ,this unique guide is the ultimate resource on Facebook's wildly successful pay-per-click advertising platform. Featuring clever workarounds, unprecedented tricks, and little-known tips for triumphant Facebook advertising, it’s a must-have on the online marketer’s bookshelf. Facebook advertising expert Marty Weintraub shares undocumented how-to advice on everything from targeting methods, advanced advertising techniques, writing compelling ads, launching a campaign, monitoring and optimizing campaigns, and tons more.
Killer Facebook Ads serves up immediately actionable tips & tactics that span the gambit.
Learn what Facebook ads are good for, how to set goals, and communicate clear objectives to your boss and stakeholders.
Find actionable tips on how to:
—Joanna Lord, Director of Customer Acquisition, SEOmoz
There's no fluff or platitudes here. This book offers well-researched insights and step-by-step guidelines for setting and meeting goals, creating ads, branding, targeting, community building, conversion tracking, and a lot more.
—Carri Bugbee, President, Big Deal PR, and Adjunct Professorat Portland State University
Discover powerful targeting techniques
See how to budget campaigns and bid your ads to maximize every dollar spent
He's written extensively for respected Internet marketing trade publications including SearchEngineWatch, SearchEngineLand, SearchEngineRoundTable, and been quoted in many others. aimClear Blog ( has been cited as among the Technorati Top 10 Small Business Blogs, Cison Top Ten Social Media Blogs, PRWeb's 25 Essential Public Relations Blogs You Should Be Reading, and listed in the AdAge Power150.
A fixture on the international conference circuit, Marty speaks regularly at Search Engine Strategies (SES), Search Marketing Expo (SMX), PubCon, SEMpdx, International Search Summit, All Facebook Summit, Socialize, OMMA, Search Insider Summit, Universities, and others. Marty founded and produces the aimClear® Full Day Facebook Marketing Intensive Workshop
He has been described as "not your typical agency type." A "social media maverick" and "more innovator than follower." aimClear has become internationally recognized for its work in demographic research, especially as pertains to search, Facebook, and LInkedIn.
Marty and his aimClear team specialize in paid and organic search and social online marketing. aimClear's services include blended search and social demographic research; search engine optimization (SEO) technical and semantic audits, analytics monitoring, and consulting; pay-per-click (PPC) audits, setup, testing, and ongoing management; online reputation management (ORM) dashboard configuration and ongoing monitoring; social media marketing consulting and data-driven community management; public relations; and copywriting.
Marty enjoys camping, canoeing, fishing, patronizing James-Beard-award-winning restaurants, and fine wine,
SEO, Facebook, Google, Bing, LinkedIn PPC, Social Media & Community Management, Reputation Monitoring, Business Plan Consulting, Search & Social Demographic Research
Facebook has exploded to a community of more than half a billion people around the world, making it a deliciously fertile playground for marketers on the cutting edge. Whether you want to leverage Facebook Ads to generate "Likes," promote events, sell products, market applications, deploy next-gen PR, ,this unique guide is the ultimate resource on Facebook's wildly successful pay-per-click advertising platform. Featuring clever workarounds, unprecedented tricks, and little-known tips for triumphant Facebook advertising, it’s a must-have on the online marketer’s bookshelf. Facebook advertising expert Marty Weintraub shares undocumented how-to advice on everything from targeting methods, advanced advertising techniques, writing compelling ads, launching a campaign, monitoring and optimizing campaigns, and tons more.
Killer Facebook Ads serves up immediately actionable tips & tactics that span the gambit.
Learn what Facebook ads are good for, how to set goals, and communicate clear objectives to your boss and stakeholders.
- Master highly focused demographic targeting on Facebook's social graph. Zero in on relevant customers now.
- Get extraordinary advice for using each available ad element—headline, body text, images, logos, etc.—for maximum effect
- How to launch a Facebook advertising campaign and crucial monitoring and optimizing techniques
- Essential metrics and reporting considerations
- Captivating case studies drawn from the author's extensive Facebook advertising experience, highlighting lessons from challenges and successes
- Tasty bonus: a robust targeting appendix jam-packed with amazing targeting combos
Editorial Reviews
From the Back Cover
Proven techniques you won't find anywhere elseFacebook offers a fertile and unprecedented opportunity for advertisers, marketers, PR pros, and businesses. Now you can better leverage Facebook with this practical guide from Facebook advertising expert Marty Weintraub. From hyper-targeting demographic segments to streamlining execution, he shows you in depth how to create, deploy, measure, and optimize Facebook advertising campaigns that truly deliver. Presenting cutting-edge techniques at a level of detail you won't find anywhere else, Marty includes great advertising examples and lays out proven tactics to help you improve ROI, avoid mistakes, and achieve success.Find actionable tips on how to:
- Master the Facebook Ads web UI and Power Editor
- Target and segment Facebook users with laser-sharp demographic precision
- Write great copy and design ads that pop for B2C and B2B campaigns
- Set the right KPIs, decipher the metrics, and check your success
- Use Facebook's Ad Manager to successfully optimize and report
- Get hundreds of millions of impressions globally
- Improve your ROI and showcase your brand
- Measure and improve your ROI
- Support PR, marketing, and branding efforts
- Understand crucial optimization factors
- Effectively target based on personal and professional factors
—Joanna Lord, Director of Customer Acquisition, SEOmoz
There's no fluff or platitudes here. This book offers well-researched insights and step-by-step guidelines for setting and meeting goals, creating ads, branding, targeting, community building, conversion tracking, and a lot more.
—Carri Bugbee, President, Big Deal PR, and Adjunct Professorat Portland State University
Discover powerful targeting techniques
See how to budget campaigns and bid your ads to maximize every dollar spent
More About the Author
Marty is author of "Killer Facebook Ads" (Wiley/Sybex 2011) and CEO of aimClear®, an online marketing agency that has managed Facebook ad campaigns generating over 10 billion impressions internationally. Client credits include, Siemens, Second Life, Budget Direct, and other global brands.He's written extensively for respected Internet marketing trade publications including SearchEngineWatch, SearchEngineLand, SearchEngineRoundTable, and been quoted in many others. aimClear Blog ( has been cited as among the Technorati Top 10 Small Business Blogs, Cison Top Ten Social Media Blogs, PRWeb's 25 Essential Public Relations Blogs You Should Be Reading, and listed in the AdAge Power150.
A fixture on the international conference circuit, Marty speaks regularly at Search Engine Strategies (SES), Search Marketing Expo (SMX), PubCon, SEMpdx, International Search Summit, All Facebook Summit, Socialize, OMMA, Search Insider Summit, Universities, and others. Marty founded and produces the aimClear® Full Day Facebook Marketing Intensive Workshop
He has been described as "not your typical agency type." A "social media maverick" and "more innovator than follower." aimClear has become internationally recognized for its work in demographic research, especially as pertains to search, Facebook, and LInkedIn.
Marty and his aimClear team specialize in paid and organic search and social online marketing. aimClear's services include blended search and social demographic research; search engine optimization (SEO) technical and semantic audits, analytics monitoring, and consulting; pay-per-click (PPC) audits, setup, testing, and ongoing management; online reputation management (ORM) dashboard configuration and ongoing monitoring; social media marketing consulting and data-driven community management; public relations; and copywriting.
Marty enjoys camping, canoeing, fishing, patronizing James-Beard-award-winning restaurants, and fine wine,
SEO, Facebook, Google, Bing, LinkedIn PPC, Social Media & Community Management, Reputation Monitoring, Business Plan Consulting, Search & Social Demographic Research
Saturday, January 21, 2012
People Pictures: 30 Exercises for Creating Authentic Photographs [Paperback]
Bestselling author/photographer Chris Orwig offers 30 photographic
exercises to renew your passion for capturing the people in your world.
This is not a traditional portrait photography book. The goal isn’t
flattery, but connection and depth. Whether you are a student, busy
parent, or seasoned pro photographer, these exercises provide an
accessible framework for exploration and growth.
With titles
like: Be Quiet, Turn the Camera Around, and the Fabric of Family, each
of the 30 exercises encourages you to have fun and experiment at your
own pace. With step-by-step instructions and using natural light, you
will explore everything from street, lifestyle, candid, and
environmental shots. The projects are small artistic endeavors meant to
change how you see and the pictures that you make. All that’s required
is a camera, an intrepid attitude, curiosity, and some imagination.
About the Author
Chris Orwig is a visual artist who brings passion to all that he does.
He is a pro photographer, speaker, and on the professional photography
faculty at the Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, California. He is the
author of the bestselling title, Visual Poetry: A Creative Guide for Making Engaging Digital Photographs (New Riders/Voices that Matter).
Product Details
- Paperback: 216 pages
- Publisher: Peachpit Press; 1 edition (September 30, 2011)
- Language: English
Chris Orwig is a visual artist who brings passion to all that
he does. He is a pro photographer, interactive designer, author, speaker
and on the faculty of the world-renowned Brooks Institute of
Photography in Santa Barbara, California. Apart from his professional
endeavors, Chris enjoys getting out in the great outdoors any way he can
- from mountain biking, cycling, camping, surfing, kayaking, snow
camping, backpacking, running, etc. He currently lives in SB with his
three favorite girls - his wife and (very cute) daughters!
Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey

Customer image from JM
Harry Potter: Page to Screen opens the doors to Hogwarts castle
and the wizarding world of Harry Potter to reveal the complete
behind-the-scenes secrets, techniques, and over-the-top artistry that
brought J.K. Rowling’s acclaimed novels to cinematic life. Developed in
collaboration with the creative team behind the celebrated movie series,
this deluxe, 500-plus page compendium features exclusive stories from
the cast and crew, hundreds of never-before-seen photographs and concept
illustrations sourced from the closed film sets, and rare memorabilia.
As the definitive look at the magic that made cinematic history, Page to Screen is the ultimate collectible, perfect for Muggles everywhere.
About the Author
Bob McCabe is a noted film critic, broadcaster, journalist and
screenwriter. He is the author of Dark Knights and Holy Fools: The Art
and Films of Terry Gilliam and several other film books, including
authorised biographies of The Pythons and Ronnie Barker, The Rough Guide
to Comedy Movies and the BFI book on The Exorcist.
--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Product Details
- Hardcover: 540 pages
- Publisher: Harper Design (October 25, 2011)
- Language: English
5.0 out of 5 stars
Behold - the magic of the HP movies in one glorious tome!, October 26, 2011
Z Hayes (TX, USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey (Hardcover)
A tome this most certainly is! Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete
Filmmaking Journey is a behemoth of a book, and I had not expected it
to be this huge (not that I'm complaining). It is an oversized hardcover
with an embossed photograph of Hogwarts on the cover. It looks like a
magickal volume and in a way it is, for it captures all of the magic of
the Harry Potter movies, from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone all
the way to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two. Any
self-avowed fan of the HP stories and movies will treasure this
beautiful volume filled with movie lore, and many more.
The first
color photograph one comes across as one flips the book open is a full
size portrait of Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts (Michael
Gambon, who played Dumbledore in HP films 3-8). His face expresses both
concern and puzzlement, and it is almost as if he is there to welcome
readers on a journey of knowledge and discovery which is what this book
ultimately rewards the reader with. Flip to the next page, and one's
attention is captured by a double-page (full spread) painting of
Hogwarts, majestic in all its splendor, though details are rather fuzzy.
There is also a fold-out spread of the main cast in movies 1-8 - the
actors portraying Dumbledore, Hagrid, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Snape,
Lucius Malfoy, Prof McGonagall, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, the twins
Fred and George, the Dark Lord, and many more.
So, the contents...the book (531 pages) is divided into three parts:
Part I: The Making of Harry Potter
Setting the Scene
HP and the Sorcerer's Stone
HP and the Chamber of Secrets
HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban
HP and the Goblet of Fire
HP and the Order of the Phoenix
HP and the Half-Blood Prince
HP and the Deathly Hallows
Part II: The Art of Harry Potter
Characters: Costuming
Locations: Set Design
Creatures: Special Makeup and Digital Effects
Artifacts: Prop Making
Part III: Epilogue
The Golden Boards
Acknowledgements and Colophon
The book goes in-depth into the
many aspects of the film-making process, including valuable insights
from and about the directors, actors, and all the other significant
people who have worked on the movies, not forgetting the author of
course. If you've ever wondered how the cast was put together, the
process by which the directors for the movies were picked, etc. then
this wonderful book answers all these questions and more. These details
are enhanced by the hundreds of photographs that are found throughout
the book, and what makes these pictures all the more extraordinary and
valuable to the discerning reader is the fact that many of them were
taken on set, during the making of the films, and apart from the
photographs there are also full-color paintings in glorious detail. As a
dragon fan myself, I was positively enraptured by the concept art of
Paul Gatling depicting the mighty Hungarian Horntail in all its wondrous
glory, which dare I say surpassed even the beauty of the dragon
depicted on film? These are not minuscule drawings, but large-scale
drawings in fold-out form. Other magical creatures get their share in
this book such as the centaurs, dear old Buckbeak, the thestrals, the
dementors, the process of transformation of Remus Lupin into a werewolf
and many more. Be still my beating heart!
Remember all those
newspaper headlines from The Daily Prophet, the Quibbler editions, and
the Wanted Posters? They are depicted here in detail and also in the
case of The Quibbler, in color! Ever wondered about the inspiration for
those Death Eater's Masks? Its covered here in full-color. The
significant places in the world of Harry Potter - Hogwarts, Diagon Alley
(loved the map), the Burrow, Hagrid's Hut, the Forbidden Forest, and
many more are also given descriptions and explanations in this
magnificent volume.
As I continue reading through this tome, I
have found some little things to gripe about - certain characters,
albeit minor ones, are not really given any coverage, just a mere
mention. Remember the ghost that haunts the abandoned toilet in Chamber
of Secrets, i.e. Moaning Myrtle? Just a mention and that's it. I would
have loved to see at least some description of the filming of the
bathroom scene in HP and the Goblet of Fire in which Moaning Myrtle
makes another appearance and helps Harry puzzle out the riddle, but no
such luck. The book does however go into detail about the second task
and the glorious underwater lake scene in Goblet of Fire, and how the
lifecasts were conceived and made. But poor Hedwig gets left out here -
except for a brief mention on p.238 and concept art depicting Harry and
Hedwig overlooking Hogwarts.
Btw, for those who are wondering about how this compares to Harry Potter Film Wizardry
I'd say they are both complementary (I own a copy of HP Film Wizardry)
to each other. While Page to Screen provides more details on the
movie-making process and covers just about everything (I say just about
as there are some things not covered), Film Wizardry provides more of an
overview with many fun elements thrown in for devoted fans such as the
various foldouts and inserts. For example, in HP Film Wizardry, readers
will get a chance to peruse a copy of the Marauder's Map, Harry's
acceptance letter to Hogwarts, a catalogue from Borgin and Burke's,
stickers in the Advanced Potion-Making pamphlet, two boxes of treats
(sans the treats) from Honeydukes of Hogsmeade (you can tear them out
and fold them into actual treat boxes, not that I would!), a Quidditch
World Cup Programme, a copy of the Yule Ball Programme, Educational
Decree No. 29, a product catalogue of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and a
Ministry of Magic ID card. Such goodies are not to be found in Page to
Screen, so I'd definitely recommend getting both books. I've frequently
found myself reading both together, and comparing notes.
My one
complaint here is the absence of an Index - how could they have produced
such a wonderful companion book to the movies and not have an index to
help readers look up any detail that springs to mind? I can't fathom it,
but I envision myself spending lots of quality time enjoying the
delights of this book, so I shall not let this trouble me too much:) In
fact, I am sorely tempted to purchase another book to keep as a
collector's item as I can see myself thumbing through this copy until it
becomes dog-eared! This is a beautiful volume of substance for any fan
of the HP books and movies.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Beautiful Companion to Film Wizardry, October 27, 2011
The book is organized into two sections and almost feels like two books in one. Part one is a narrative of the making of each film, and part two highlights the people (and creatures), places, and things of Harry's world. Part one is more text-heavy and features numerous quotes from people who worked on all aspects of the films. One thing that I particularly appreciated was the (near) equal attention spent on each film. It is clear that every single decision about these films was made with love and care, with artistic considerations rather than monetary ones. Although we definitely learn about some of this in Film Wizardry, there is plenty of new information in this tome that makes it well worth the purchase. Learning more about the process of making these films and all of the thought that went into them helps the reader appreciate the films as more than a movie version of the books.
The second part is much more picture-heavy with "articles" about characters, props, sets, and creatures and resembles an encyclopedia. The artwork and stills in these sections are not just beautiful, they're eye-opening and are a testament again to the amount of thought, hardwork, and love that went into every part of these movies.
At 520 pages (and huge pages at that), this book has so much to offer by way of insights into and information about making the Harry Potter films. That being said, a second book of equal size and measure could undoubtedly be made without any overlapping information. Mind you, this is not a flaw of Page to Screen, just a request for a second volume :). My one small gripe with this book is that many times a prop or costume will be mentioned or discussed in the main body of the text without an accompanying picture. This is irksome when I want to look at the details being talked about rather than try to remember them.
With all of this being said, I can confidently recommend this book to any fan of the series, and even film making in general. I will be returning to this book for years to come.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Sketching Light: An Illustrated Tour of the Possibilities of Flash (Voices That Matter) [Paperback]
Following up on the great success of The Moment It Clicks and The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes,
legendary magazine photographer Joe McNally takes us on another
memorable ride with Sketching Light, another trip into the land of
light--but this time running the gamut from small flash to big flash,
and everywhere in between.
Of course, Joe includes coverage of Nikon Speedlights, but he also covers big flash, as well as "in-between" lights as the Elinchrom Quadra. The exploration of new technology, as well as the explanation of older technology. No matter what equipment Joe uses and discusses, the most important element of Joe's instruction is that it is straightforward, complete, and honest. No secrets are held back, and the principles he talks about apply generally to the shaping and quality of light, not just to an individual model or brand of flash.
He tells readers what works and what doesn't via his let's-see-what-happens approach, he shows how he sets up his shots with plentiful sketches and behind-the-scenes production shots, and he does it all with the intelligence, clarity, and wisdom that can only come from shooting in the field for 30 years for the likes of National Geographic, Time, Life, and Sports Illustrated--not to mention the wit and humor of a clearly warped (if gifted) mind.
Of course, Joe includes coverage of Nikon Speedlights, but he also covers big flash, as well as "in-between" lights as the Elinchrom Quadra. The exploration of new technology, as well as the explanation of older technology. No matter what equipment Joe uses and discusses, the most important element of Joe's instruction is that it is straightforward, complete, and honest. No secrets are held back, and the principles he talks about apply generally to the shaping and quality of light, not just to an individual model or brand of flash.
He tells readers what works and what doesn't via his let's-see-what-happens approach, he shows how he sets up his shots with plentiful sketches and behind-the-scenes production shots, and he does it all with the intelligence, clarity, and wisdom that can only come from shooting in the field for 30 years for the likes of National Geographic, Time, Life, and Sports Illustrated--not to mention the wit and humor of a clearly warped (if gifted) mind.
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More About the Author
Joe McNally is an internationally acclaimed American
photographer and long-time photojournalist. From 1994 until 1998, he was
LIFE magazine's staff photographer, the first one in 23 years. His most
well known series is the "Faces of Ground Zero -- Portraits of the
Heroes of September 11th", a collection of 246 giant Polaroid portraits
shot in the Moby C Studio near Ground Zero in a three-week period
shortly after 9/11. A large group of these historic, compelling
life-size (9' x 4') photos were exhibited in seven cities in 2002, seen
by almost a million people. The exhibit and the book, printed by LIFE,
helped raise approximately $2 million for the 9/11-relief effort. This
collection is considered by many museum and art professionals to be the
most significant artistic endeavor to evolve to date from the 9/11
Some of McNally's other renowned photographic series
include, "The Future of Flying," a 32-page cover story for National
Geographic, published in December 2003, commemorating the centennial
observance of the Wright Brothers' flight. Joe is a 20 year contributor
to National Geographic, and this story was the first all digital shoot
for the magazine. This issue was a National Magazine Award Finalist, and
one of the magazine's most popular covers. He has shot cover stories
for Sports Illustrated, Time, Newsweek, Geo, Fortune, New York, Business
Week, LIFE and Men's Journal, among others.
advertising, marketing and promotional work includes FedEx, Nikon, Sony,
Land's End, General Electric, MetLife, Bogen, Adidas, Kelby Media
Group, Wildlife Conservation Society, and American Ballet Theatre.
2008, McNally published his critically acclaimed, award winning book,
The Moment It Clicks, which has been touted as, "one foot on the coffee
table and one foot in the classroom."
In 2009, McNally published
his newest, much anticipated book, The Hotshoe Diaries. Just like its
predecessor, it immediately cracked Amazon's top ten list of best
sellers, within the first week of publication.
Joe McNally is
known internationally for his ability to produce technically and
logistically complex assignments with expert use of color and light. As
part of his teaching activities, he conducts numerous workshops around
the world.
The Digital Photography Book
The Digital Photography Book
Scott Kelby, the man who changed the "digital darkroom" forever with his groundbreaking, #1 bestselling, award-winning book The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers,
now tackles the most important side of digital photography--how to
take pro-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros
use (and it's easier than you'd think).
This entire book is
written with a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it:
"If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get
this flower to be in focus, but I want the background out of focus?' I
wouldn't stand there and give you a lecture about aperture, exposure,
and depth of field. In real life, I'd just say, 'Get out your telephoto
lens, set your f/stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.'
You d say, 'OK,' and you'd get the shot. That's what this book is all
about. A book of you and I shooting, and I answer the questions, give
you advice, and share the secrets I've learned just like I would with a
friend, without all the technical explanations and without all the
This isn't a book of theory—it isn't full
of confusing jargon and detailed concepts: this is a book of which
button to push, which setting to use, when to use them, and nearly two
hundred of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade"
to get you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more
colorful, more professional-looking photos with your digital camera
every time you press the shutter button.
Here's another thing
that makes this book different: each page covers just one trick, just
one single concept that makes your photography better. Every time you
turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, another pro tool,
another pro trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery
prints. There's never been a book like it, and if you're tired of
taking shots that look "OK," and if you’re tired of looking in
photography magazines and thinking, "Why don't my shots look like
that?" then this is the book for you.
The Digital Photography Book
Scott Kelby, author of The Digital Photography Book, Volume 1
(the world's best-selling digital photography book of all time), is back
with yet another follow-up with an entirely new book that picks up
right where he left off with Volume 3. It's even more of that "Ah
ha, so that' s how they do it," straight-to-the-point,
skip-the-techno-jargon stuff people can really use today to make their
shots even better.
This book truly has a brilliant premise, and
here's how Scott describes it: "If you and I were out on a shoot and you
asked me, 'Hey Scott, I want the light for this portrait to look really
soft and flattering. How far back should I put this softbox?' I
wouldn't give you a lecture about lighting ratios, or flash modifiers.
In real life, I'd just turn to you and say, 'Move it in as close to your
subject as you possibly can, without it actually showing up in the
shot.' Well, that's what this book is all about: you and I out shooting
where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've
learned, just like I would with a friend--without all the technical
explanations and techie photo speak."
The Digital Photography Book, Volume 4
follows in the footsteps of the wildly successful previous volumes,
giving photographers nearly two hundred more closely guarded
photographic "tricks of the trade" to get them shooting dramatically
better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos
with their digital camera every time they press the shutter button.
More About the Author
I'm President of the National Association of Photoshop
Professionals, Editor and Publisher of Photoshop User magazine, and a
book author myself, having penned more than 30 titles.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The Power Formula for Linkedin Success: Kick-start Your Business, Brand, and Job Search
Publication Date: March 1, 2011
This simple, user-friendly guide explains how you can access the full power of LinkedIn--including advice on making lasting business connections, building a unique personal brand, and generating significant business opportunities.
Are you at a social-media disadvantage if you entered the business world before the rise of Facebook? Wayne Breitbarth argues that the opposite is true when it comes to LinkedIn: your experience and connections as a seasoned professional give you a leg up in harnessing the benefits of LinkedIn. You have already done a lot of the networking groundwork, and LinkedIn can extend your reach even further with minimal time each week.
Using actual screenshots of the LinkedIn website, Breitbarth demonstrates how you can take advantage of all the features of this professional networking platform. He shows you how to create a compelling profile, use keywords to improve your ability to find and be found by others, build a solid base of connections, solicit valuable recommendations, and much more. His 6-week, 2-hour-per-week startup plan and weekly maintenance plan will motivate you to make the most of your time on LinkedIn.
Wayne Breitbarth's pragmatic teaching style and engaging sense of humor are on display throughout The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success, and he shares many specific examples, stories, and illustrations that are the direct result of thirty years experience in business consulting and business ownership. Whether you are an entry-level professional, a CEO, or anywhere in between, you can benefit from this practical introduction to a powerful networking tool.
Editorial Reviews
Leading the reader through his own journey from
skeptic to LinkedIn enthusiast and trainer, Breitbarth extols the
benefits of creating a well-crafted LinkedIn account.
Perfect for readers who grew up before the dawn of the Internet era.
-Kirkus Reviews
I know of no one who knows how to use LinkedIn better than Wayne Breitbarth.
-Robert Grede, Best-selling author of Naked Marketing - The Bare Essentials and The Spur & The Sash--a novel
--Inside Endorsements page
This greatly simplifies the ability of those of us not in the Facebook generation to make sense of social media and leverage LinkedIn for business success.
-Michael A. Dalton, Author of Simplifying Innovation
--Inside Endorsements page
Wayne Breitbarth's Power Formula for Linkedin Success explains how anyone can use Linkedin to propel business growth.
-Christina Steder, President, Clear Verve Marketing, LLC
--Inside Endorsements page
"The Power Formula doesn't read like a first book...Instead, it is polished and comprehensive enough to provide an excellent starting base for social media newbies.
--New York Journal of Books
From the Inside Flap
Wayne Breitbarth has written a great "how to" on one of the fastest growing social marketing platforms. Read it and learn.
-Jack Covert,President and founder 800-CEO-READ, Author of The 100 Best Business Books of All Time
--Book front cover
--Book front cover
From the Back Cover
I highly recommend this book for novices in particular who will find Breitbarth's style user friendly and geek-speak free.
-Shama Kabani, Author of the best-selling The Zen of Social Media Marketing
-Shama Kabani, Author of the best-selling The Zen of Social Media Marketing
succeed in business today you need to thoroughly understand how to
leverage one of today's most powerful tools, LinkedIn. A great first
step is to read Breitbarth's book.
-Erik Qualman, international bestselling author of Socialnomics
About the Author
Wayne Breitbarth is the owner of M&M Office Interiors, and he also shares his passion for social media with others through private business consulting as well as dynamic presentations to local and national audiences. His listeners are captivated by his simple, straightforward approach that results from his diverse business background. He has received recognition for his public service in the Milwaukee community and resides just outside the city with his wife of thirty years.The New Relationship Marketing: How to Build a Large, Loyal, Profitable Network Using the Social Web [
Publication Date: October 25, 2011
One of the top social media thought leaders shares her secrets to expanding your business through relationshipsPeople have always done business with people they know, like, and trust. That's the essence of "relationship marketing." Today, the popularity of online social networking has caused a paradigm shift in relationship marketing. This book helps businesspeople and marketers master this crucial new skill set. Relationship marketing specialist Mari Smith outlines a step-by-step plan for building a sizable, loyal network comprised of quality relationships that garner leads, publicity, sales, and more.
If you're a businessman or businesswoman feeling the pressure to shift your approach to using social media marketing, to better understand the new soft skills required for success on the social web, and to improve your own leadership and relationship skills through emotional and social intelligence, this book is for you.
Outlines how to become a significant "center of influence" for your customers and prospects
Explains the unspoken rules of online etiquette--and the common "turnoffs" that drive customers and potential partners away
Details the unique cultures of Facebook, Twitter, and other popular online platforms
Shows exactly what to automate and delegate to build your social media persona, yet still retain the personal touch
Even if you currently have zero presence online, this book will help you see measurable results in a short time.
Editorial Reviews
From the Inside Flap
People have always done business with people they know, like, and
trust. That's the essence of "relationship marketing." But now the
popularity of online social networking has shifted our methods of
connecting with consumers, stakeholders, and potential partners.
Businesses that master both new and traditional ways of nurturing
customer relationships are gaining market share.
In The New Relationship Marketing, social marketing expert Mari Smith outlines a proven nine-step program for building a sizable, loyal network comprised of quality relationships that garner leads, publicity, sales, and more. This book will help you understand the new soft skills required for success on the social web, and to improve your own leadership and relationship skills through emotional and social intelligence. You will learn:
In The New Relationship Marketing, social marketing expert Mari Smith outlines a proven nine-step program for building a sizable, loyal network comprised of quality relationships that garner leads, publicity, sales, and more. This book will help you understand the new soft skills required for success on the social web, and to improve your own leadership and relationship skills through emotional and social intelligence. You will learn:
- How to become a significant "center of influence" for your customers and prospects
- The unspoken rules of online etiquette—and the common turnoffs that drive customers and potential partners away
- How to navigate the unique cultures of Facebook, Twitter, and other popular online platforms
- What you can automate and delegate to build your social media persona, yet still retain the personal touch
From the Back Cover
Praise for the new relationship marketing
"A whole new exercise for
your networking muscles! Mari Smith shows you how to bridge the gap
between technical skills in the modern marketing world and good,
old-fashioned people skills." --Harvey Mackay, author of the #1 New York
Times bestseller Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
relationship marketing strategy is quite simple: 1. Be yourself. 2. Be
the best self you can be. 3. Share the best parts of yourself with the
world. That strategy, while quite effective, leaves the novice with many
unfilled blanks. This book is the best way I know to fill them." --Mark
Joyner, Founder of Simpleology
"The New Relationship Marketing shows
you how to quickly and consistently boost your sales and income with
the best social media techniques ever discovered." --Brian Tracy, author
of The Psychology of Selling
"The New Relationship Marketing fuses
traditional and online relationship building strategies into a
loyalty-generating success system." --John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape
Marketing and The Referral Engine
"This is not just a theoretical
look at how social media works but exactly what you need if you're stuck
and want to know what to do to be successful. I fully endorse the
author and recommend the book without reservation." --Michael Port, New
York Times bestselling author of Book Yourself Solid
"Mari Smith GETS
what social media is all about. More than any other technology, it's
changing the face of business, communication, and maybe even human
nature. Everything successful boils down to relationships, and Mari will
show you how to leverage social media for your success." --Ali Brown,
entrepreneur, mentor, andphilanthropist featured on ABC's "Secret
About the Author
Mari Smith is a passionate social media leader, specializing in relationship marketing and Facebook mastery. She is coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day. Fast Company describes Mari as "a veritable engine of personal branding, a relationship marketing whiz and the Pied Piper of the Online World." Dun & Bradstreet Credibility named Mari one of the Top Ten Most Influential Small Business People on Twitter. Mari travels extensively nationally and internationally as an accomplished social media speaker and trainer. With her popular blog at, and her large, loyal following on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, Mari is considered one of the top resources and thought leaders in the world of new media marketing.
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